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Meu Carrinho
- Pense - Logo [Bermuda]
- Pense - Logo [Camisa Polo]
- Pense - Mandala
- Pense - Pouco Tempo É Muito
- Pense - Tigre
- Pinheads - Hand In Head
- Pinheads - Where's The Silver Tape
- Pixies - Birds Of Prey
- Pixies - Death to The Pixies
- Pixies - DTTP
- Pixies - Hearse
- Pixies - Original
- Pixies - Phys Ed
- Pixies - Surfer Rosa
- Primal Therapy - Label
- Primal Therapy - Owner's Choice
- Propagandhi - Failed States
- Propagandhi - Gas Mask
- Propagandhi - Gun Sight
- Propagandhi - Less Talk More Rock
- Propagandhi - Razor: Vegan Invaders
- Propagandhi - Rollercoaster Skull
- Propagandhi - Splitter
- Pulley - Authentic Punk Rock
- Pulley - Bear
- Pulley - Flex Your Head
- Pulley - Logo
- Pulley - Oil Can
- Pulley - Simi Valley
- Pulley - Together Again For the First Time
- Quicksand - Live New York City
- Quicksand - Slip Divers
- Racquet Club - 3 Moons
- Racquet Club - Folds
- Racquet Club - Motorcycle Club
- Racquet Club - Self Titled [CD]
- Rancid - ...And Out Come The Wolves 25th Anniversary [Asfalto]
- Rancid - ...And Out Come The Wolves 25th Anniversary [Branco]
- Rancid - ...Honor Is All We Know
- Rancid - ...Honor Is All We Know [Vermelho]
- Rancid - ...Out Come The Wolves [Moletom Zíper]
- Rancid - Album 5
- Rancid - Bats Red
- Rancid - Boot
- Rancid - Crew
- Rancid - D Skull
- Rancid - D-Skull [Calça de Moletom]
- Rancid - D-Skull [Suedine Crewneck Manga Longa]
- Rancid - Evil's My Friend
- Rancid - Let's Go!